Focus USA is a database and analytics marketing agency that specializes in digital and direct marketing services.

A 2023 New Mover Year-End Review

The Intersection of Housing, Economics, and Migration

In the wake of the global pandemic, the landscape of the new mover and new homeowner markets has undergone significant changes. Amidst the backdrop of unpredictable interest rates, labor markets adapting to looming recession concerns, and the persistent volatility of home prices, the patterns observed in the new mover segment during 2023 represent a significant departure from the patterns witnessed in 2021 and 2022. As we navigate these evolving dynamics, it becomes imperative to assess the implications of these changes for your strategic new mover marketing initiatives set to unfold in 2024. While there was a lack of homes being listed for sale, there is not a lack in demand for home buyers.

Marketing to New Movers

The Power of New Movers in Marketing

Before joining Focus USA, I didn’t fully grasp the potential of New Mover Data. I thought targeting new movers meant that they received mail packets with a ton of coupons. What were they called Value Packs? The simple idea of sending new mover coupons to attract new business and moving on to the next. However, as I developed my marketing career, I learned that I couldn’t be more wrong about this audience and marketing tactics. Now, I understand the power of the new mover audience. This audience is truly unique and in the process of completing a major life event. As a marketer, I’m fortunate enough to see this not only from the marketing side but also as a new mover.

Life Event Triggers

Meet Betty – Timing Is Everything

With the vast amount of data at our disposal today, as marketers we have a wide range of options to choose from. But selecting a target audience is only one piece of the puzzle, right? You can find an audience that fits your customer profile to a T. You can even make sure that they have the financial capacity to buy your product. But with all of that data and insight feeding your marketing plan, why are we seeing traditional response rates drop year over year? Yes, there has been a vast shift towards digital engagement and creating conversations and a two-way communication with our customers. But we have also seen that timing is still the driving factor for consumers and their buying behavior.
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