Welcome Home: A Healthcare New Mover Marketing Program

Q: What are the benefits of using new mover data for healthcare marketing?

New mover data offers several advantages for healthcare providers:

  • Early Engagement: Reach new residents 30 days sooner than other options, allowing you to be the first to welcome them and establish a connection before competitors.
  • Highly Responsive Audience: New movers are actively seeking services in their new area, making them more receptive to your marketing efforts.
  • Targeted Marketing: Utilize data to personalize your message and target specific demographics (age, location, health needs), increasing campaign effectiveness.

Q: What channels are included in Welcome Home: A Healthcare New Mover Marketing Program?

Our Welcome Home offers a comprehensive approach, encompassing both traditional and digital media:

  • Direct Mail: Personalized welcome packages with relevant information about your practice and services.
  • Targeted Email: Engaging email sequences tailored to specific needs and interests.
  • Digital Media Channels:
    • Display Advertising: Targeted ads displayed on relevant websites and platforms frequented by new movers.
    • Paid Social Media: Targeted ads across popular social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
    • Connected TV (CTV): Targeted ads displayed on streaming services and smart TVs.
    • Audio Advertising: Targeted ads played on podcasts.
    • Geofencing: Targeted ads delivered to mobile devices within a specific geographical area around your practice.
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