Data Questions

Q: What security measures are in place to protect my customer data?

We understand the importance of data security and take several measures to safeguard your customer information:

  • Secure Data Environment: Our life event data is housed in a secure environment with robust access controls and encryption protocols.
  • Privacy Compliance: We adhere to all relevant data privacy regulations to ensure the responsible and lawful handling of customer information.
  • Webhook Notifications: Alerts regarding life events are sent through secure webhook connections, minimizing the risk of data breaches.

Q: Special Consideration – Timing?

Depending on the offer, if you have not invested in any new customer data acquisition insights, we suggest testing multiple timing segments to identify the best window for your new mover mailings. We have found that some furniture companies see the best results when within a 1 month window during or after a move, while others get the best return within a 2-3 month window. Make sure to confirm any hypothesis about timing before rolling out an annual program.

Q: How many of the 37MM annual movers do we capture?

A standard NCOA (National Change of Address) provided by the USPS only captures about 50% of all moves, since many people do not report a change of address to the post office. On our new mover database we are able to identify more than 75% of new movers and new homeowners in the US.

Q: What is the unique qualifier of Focus USA’s new mover marketing data?

Our new mover data has over 20 unique sources ranging from deed, COA, utility connects, phone connects, and more. All of our data goes through a thorough validation process. For example, for our new connects, we confirm that it isn’t just a new phone line going into the home, but a valid new mover. We do this by cross checking with our other sources and validating the current address on our master database. This ensures that we have fewer false positive moves than other sources on the market. We also receive the data within 14 days of the actual move. Our data has been tested by a third party with other very well-known new mover files in the marketplace. We have shown to have more unique records and receive the new mover data quicker than those other sources

Q: How can I customize my new mover audience?

We offer thousands of additional consumer data variables available help you customize your new mover target audience. We also have a team of data scientists standing by to help build a predictive model audience for you to overlay and score your new mover audience each week/month to ensure you are only spending money to reach your most responsive new mover audience when they need you the most!

Q: How accurate is the new mover data?

Our new mover data goes through extensive hygiene to verify that this audience is in fact new movers. All data is sourced from deeds from over 3,100 courthouses across the country, new phone & utility connections, financial transaction change of address, publication subscription change of address, & private customer file change of address. 73% of these records also have a previous address.

Q: How are the records sourced?

There are three main types of sources: Deed, COA (change of address), and new phone/utility connects. The Deeds come directly from 3,100+ courthouses as soon as a home purchase is recorded. COAs are self-reported and come from publication subscriptions and private customer files. New phone and utility connect come from telephone and utility companies. We currently have 20 sources included in our new mover and new homeowner database, which we receive daily or weekly.

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